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"It doesn't look very happy to be here."
Rarity: Rare
Catch Time: Any

Fish Facts

The Angerfish is a particularly ornery variant of the anglerfish, unique to the NLACakaNM Slime Sea. The name pretty much says it all: these fish are perpetually pissed off, and nobody quite knows why. Instead of the usual anglerfish hunting method of luring fish with a distracting glowy thing, the angerfish chases its target with ruthless determination until its prey is exhausted, and then rips it apart into so much viscera. Its unclear how the metabolism of this fish can sustain such unbridled rage. They lack a self-preservation instinct, attacking anyone foolish enough to be in its field of view. So strong is their rage that it seems to generate heat from within, causing the angerfish to glow an incandescent red when provoked. Some theorize that its color indicates some relation to SlimeCorp, and that this fish is the result of an experiment gone wrong, like so many other aquatic abominations found throughout Slime City. Still others believe in superstitious tales about malevolent oceanic spirits possessing the fish, manipulating them into their unstoppable fury. Some enterprising scientists are even looking into ways to harness the energy of the angerfish to run local power grids, using the heat and kinetic energy generated by this fish to power a generator. One thing is certain: your luck has run out if you draw the ire of the angerfish!

Fun Facts

The Angerfish was featured in animal facts #345