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just HOW CRINGE do you even have to BE just to DO something like that(Art by Foebot)

"God. This fucking retard. It just doesn't fucking GET it."
Rarity: Rare
Catch Time: N/A

Fish Facts

Ugggghhhh, these fish are honestly the worst. Ok, so, like, they have this mimicry power, right? Real good at mimicking other creatures. How do they use it, you may ask? LITERALLY to mimic the actions of the lamest of the lame juvies, like god DAMN how can you be so CRINGE all the TIME?!?! And they can barely even do THAT right!!! Honestly, it almost seems sometimes like they do stuff the wrong way ON PURPOSE. These fish are dumb, how are they even surviving as a species? If you catch one of these on a fishing trip, just throw it back, it isn't worth whatever slime you might get from it. Make sure to !pointandlaugh at it for good measure, maybe then it'll learn that !harvest isn't a real command. Probably not, though. Whatever, I'm done talking about these cringe fish, such a waste of space.