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Sex: No, Female
Species: Slimeling
Alignments: Rowdys, Bug Coven, Staydeads, Juvies
Main: Melee Ness

SpidyJuice is a slimeoid girl who has historically resided in Vagrant's Corner, and at various points on the streets and in various other people's homes (either with or against their will or knowledge). She is known especially for writing and drawing [Inkscape], a command prompt-based comic starring herself, as well as other artistic contributions and escapades. She is also a very vocal angry person who hates gang violence for various reasons, despite being beloved and described frequently as VERY epic. She is friends with EVERYoNE.


[Inkscape] is a webcomic made by SpidyJuice, starring herself, taking place in various different locations and time periods of RFCK. It progresses mostly utilizing the command prompt in the [Inkscape Command Prompt Discord Server], and the user submitted commands within it. Despite being nearly 100 pages in as of writing this, the plot is yet unrevealed, and merely hinted at probably existing.

An early page of Inkscape depicting Spidy examing a CRT TV and a GameCube

Character Arcs

Here is a list of noteable character arcs and shit that Spidy has gone through in the span of RFCK or whatever

  • Inkscaped SpidyJuice - yet unrevealed :blobpeek:
  • Wayward Slimeing SpidyJuice - Around this time Spidy became a much more frequent artist for RFCK, and started [Inkscape].
  • Maleward SpidyJuice - In canon of early season 2, Spidy summoned martians and became a man, and then spiritually died after becoming possessed by the martians.
  • Infernal SpidyJuice - After getting pissed off about RFCK or some shit Spidy went to hell and set on fire and it was pretty cool
  • Deceased SpidyJuice - Despite "deceased," during this arc Spidy traveled regions nearby NLACakaNM and secretly visited friends within the city occasionally
  • Nameless Hater - During Spidy's absence, the legally distinct Nameless Hater appeared in the city, adorning a mask resembling a shy guy.
  • Negaslimeling SpidyJuice - For yet unexplained lore reasons, Spidy has occasionally gone negaslime. Once at the very beginning of Season 2, and on and off rather frequently recently. It's unclear whether or not this actually has any consequences besides that of the character design.