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Witchy was a dark witch most active during the Negapause. He was known for making pacts exchanging artwork for various people's body parts, and for the Soul Cup. Beyond this, Witchy was known for annoying anyone in his presence. Witchy has been banished to Humantale by Kabrakhon forcing them to get a new sexual orientation and become a minority (Note: What? Verify this and put it in a proper place)

Just an Avatar

Witchy began as an avatar used by Tadpo. He'd grown tired of the season 1 gameplay and after seeing how haunting worked, he tried to kill himself with the !suicide command. (Note: It seems like the !suicide failed somehow based on the next sentence. Verify this and make it more clear) Not wanting to join a team, he playfully taunted various people before Coonrat killed him. Some time later, Tadpo changed his name to Witchy.

Let's Make a Deal=

After receiving compliments on a drawing he'd made, Witchy was inspired to give other people art. During the interim, many people including Ben and Munchy greyscaled their avatars as a result of the negaslime, seeing an opportunity to both make things a bit more coherent on the sidebar but also to just practice using photoshop, the character of Witchy was born. "Avatar's in this style" "Art isn't free" "1 body part", the advertisement was crude but after time passed things developed from tracing over things with the path tool to unique renditions of characters or the creation of original character designs. The cost to those who made the pacts was essentially just trading a small bit of lore for free art of varying quality. Most would trade eyes and limbs, but some would trade more interesting things such as all the fat in their body. The idea of these deals is that people would eventually make art of them getting their body parts back or making another deal to do so.

List of people who made the first pacts

  • Juan the Alligator- First pact, traded a tooth in order to get an avatar that made him look like a disguised cultist so he could infiltrate the church of negaslime worshipers that popped up in the cathedral.
  • Grimdark Hale- Traded a left eye for a tracing of the bartender from that one cyberpunk bartending game with bandages.
  • Evange_- The first avatar to be fully original design wise as it was a translation of the Gurran Lagan symbol with a TF2 unusual fedora which apparently harkened back to Evange_'s past as a TF2 trader. The end product was a well-dressed skeleton with an eyepatch and flaming fedora.
  • Paradox Crocs- Traded two of his teeth for a picture of him with an emaciated look to him as well as a Make NLACakaNM Slimy Again hat.
  • Jone$oda- A simple recreation of his original avatar but looked better than the earlier recreation dealios. Took his left leg.
  • Kadenorth- Took pictures of him in his superhero clown costume in real life and tried to depict them, took his left arm in exchange for the art.
  • Kanman- Traded a leg and a tooth in exchange for a depiction of him but instead of a suitcase he had a crutch.
  • Sabotage- Took their right feline leg as their last avatar was a cat. The new one was a pirate cat with a shitty prosthetic arm/leg with a hook at the end.
  • Tyo- Took all of their clown fat and depicted them as an emaciated clown with baggy clothes.
  • Thalamus Dredge- Mostly abandoned the Ben Saint design as per requested, going instead for a katana-wielding one armed ronin with robes whose patterns were inspired by Umbreon. Took his right arm.
  • TFAAAP- Took the gambling addiction center of his brain, the artwork wasn't the best but TFAAAP combined the two attempts and redid the linework in their own scratchy style to some success.
  • Niboe- One of the earliest people who wanted a pact, but due to traveling and other events such as a lost cat they got they were one of the later pacts. They wanted their cheek to be taken away, exposing their teeth while also getting bad boy sunglasses from Spy Kids.
  • Ephraim- Traded their ability to use nunchucks for art. However, they eventually gained this back.
  • Seani- At one point made some temporary alliance, though it didn't really bring about anything as nothing was happening at the time so it was never renewed.
  • Evange_- In exchange for helping set up the Soul Cup, he made a pact that he could take any future Rowdy body part from future Rowdy pacts. After the Soul Cup there weren't as many pacts and those that were made with Rowdys didn't appeal to Evange_ and as such he never got anything.
  • Chagarumagala- sold her male reproductive system for art in order to become a real girl.
  • Juan the Alligator- Juan eventually came back to Witchy for a second pact, this time exchanging the tip of his tail along with the meat of a some of the rest of his tail in exchange for art that this time depicted him as a sort of mobster with a katana tipped bone tail.
  • Fat Yoshi- Took the eyes of him and his Fat Paratroopa pet; he later mentioned that he didn't care for his eyes due to them being Sans eyes. He then later got the pairs of eyes back and he then traded the koopa eyes to the Slander magazine as a bribe.
  • M@thew- Initially made a pact that would have involved his neck being removed to make him a dullahan, giving him a hoverboard, and making him look cool; however, he attempted to pull a shenanigan to gain Witchy's soul which backfired as it was a dick move given he was going to be getting free art. He never got the art and the pact was canceled.

Rage Against the Dark Arts

All throughout the creation of these pacts, DoopedyShmoople saw the necromancer's completely transparent and one-sided pacts as evil and would attempt to convince others to not fall for the promise of free art. Eventually, though this culminated in Witchy asking Doopedy if the owner of his soul could make pacts for him; he said yes, and after going to Ben Saint to make a deal, Doopedy traded away his hat to Paradox Crocs for safekeeping. Surprising everyone, Ben Saint accepted a deal for all of the pacts listed above in exchange for Doopedy's tongue, however, what was more surprising was that he then later changed the deal to also give away Doopedy's soul to Witchy. After backtalking Witchy some more, Witchy took Doopedy's tongue away. Ben gave most of the Killers back the body parts he had from the pacts, but at the time of writing this (11-17-18), he hasn't done anything with any of the Rowdy pacts.

Soul Cup

The Soul Cup was a take on the Muk Cup that came before, but with the idea of trying to make it more of a story focused event with wrestling promos and so on. The prize was Doopedy's soul, and the risk was that last place and second place would lose their souls to Witchy. The initial idea was to have the most popular people get in based around a vote, however, some people such as Ben and Krak didn't like this as it made it seem like only already big people mattered in RFCK. The rules were then changed to still only have eight people (Doopedy getting in no matter what), but applicants would have to write up story pitches relating to things like what they'd do after, who they have beef with, and what might happen in they lose their souls. Before the application process ended, Doopedy had a chance to get his tongue back by convincing more Rowdys to join the Soul Cup, but he failed before the agreed upon deadline. The Soul Cup has been summerized in the Slime Times by the winner RoboDobot who released Doopedy's soul and pledged to become a Rowdy. Bevan lost their soul, with Bevan splitting to become Bevan and A-Evan (A-Evan once being B-Evan who was Bevan's mining bot/alt). Rmecey and Evange_ helped set up the tournament.

Death of Witchy

Tadpo had always planned on killing off the character; initially the plan was to create a CYOA style game with descriptions of various parts of Witchy's lair; choices would lead to multiple endings but also add time spent to get to said endings which would give people different ending codes to pre-written endings they could then turn into Tadpo for their ending. This eventually was put on hold due to various factors ranging from life events, lack of interest in the character, as well as ideas to first put a spin on the character before returning them back to their evil technology and slime hating ways. One day when interacting with an arg/adventure and while playing with an alt account in a browser, Tadpo accidentally revived with Witchy. The original plan was if this happened, Tadpo would just bring Witchy back when they were killed in the game again, but KOFF mentioned that he could just keep the character dead. That is the end of Witchy.

Scrapped Writing For CYOA Game

Scene 1:

Entrance Desc:

“Your Market” a confusing name for a convenience store when giving people instructions, however, charming none the less if it weren’t for the fact that the quant store was a burnt husk of its former self. Natives of #slimesend could tell you that the Asian immigrants who ran the store were nice neighbors, they would always say hello while shopping at 7-11 to stock their store that many would go to just due to it being one block closer than the chain. People weren’t too surprised to find the place lit ablaze by a Killer; they did usually charge way too much for knives. You step through the broken doorway after removing the plywood covering that had been placed over it long ago. The smell of acrid smoke infused metal and scorched wood fills your senses as you attempt to use the radioactive light that fills #slimesend to navigate through the three wrecked isles of the ruined convenience store. You find two things of particular interest:

1) A battered off brand slurpee machine that occasionally gives a rattle or two, hinting that it’s still operable to some capacity.

2) A plethora of twisted black vines that are growing out of the freezer section, a dark tunnel covered in the foliage going down to a hidden lair. You almost didn’t notice until one of the vines attempted to ensnare you.

Scene 1a: 1 added to ending code

You attempt to interact with the slurpee machine out of some sort of primal lust for slime, however, your quest for ooze backfires as a glowing black rune appears and begins to morph into various other runic shapes and designs before you suddenly find yourself in a vacant lot; you look at the address and you are indeed in the same location, but Your Market and whatever was within or under it has seemingly disappeared… It takes you nearly a week to find the store again, nothing lost besides time and perhaps slimecoin to get something to eat after all the walking.

Scene 2:

The vines aren’t too threatening physically, but they do slightly dry out whatever they touch which threatens any slime you might have on your person; however it is easy enough to use the burnt out products within the convenience store in a sort of adventure game puzzle way to circumvent the vines draining your slime count or mummifying you into an immobile corpse. Once tamed, the tunnel of now thoroughly defeated vines laid exposed for exploration… Climbing down was simple enough, the ruined vines acting as effective hand holds, though, after you put too much weight onto one of the vines, you feel the dead flora come loose from the wall sending you plunging deep into the dark unknown as you slow your fall somehow enough to not instantly die as your break a bone or two against hard stone tiles… You immediately look for vines or some way to climb back up only to see the ceiling to be completely sealed off… You look around the dry stone room, seeing the walls slowly coming closer as there seemed to be a massive stone door menacingly come to life, an elderly crumpled looking face emerging from the brickwork which reminded you somewhat of Wilford Brimley; as it spoke the voice while not exact even sounded like the old actor. “Hello…” The walls continue to grind loudly, closer and closer, “Password…”

1) “866-6-LIBERTY”

2) “Star Wars: The Battle For Endor”

3) Spout random spell names from Dungeons and Dragons, particularly evil sounding ones.

Scene 2a: 1 added to ending code

Your answer causes a wriggling of the stone face’s brow before her shakes her head as much as a door could before fading away… The door remains firmly shut despite the weaponry involved in your methods of opening it… You die, being slowly crushed into a quickly dried pile of bits as the walls don’t even give you the pleasure of becoming a pile of lovely bone splinter infused pulp as they apply so much pressure that any coal on your person is transmogrified into diamonds… You find yourself forced to !revive as your spirit is also repulsed from the confines of the dark lair... If you come back, you find the situation playing out much the same, despite your efforts to experiment with not landing on your ass, it seems the vine covered tunnel is rigged for that to happen despite your best efforts; though if this is your second or third time reading this then you manage to land in a cool manner.

Scene 3:

The animated stone face gave a discerning look your wave before fading back into the door which then opened. The walls continued to grind towards themselves, you can stay of course; from what you can see of the next room there just seems to be various paintings lining the walls with two paintings at the end of the room, depending on your tolerance for art, staying could be preferable.

1) Stay

2) Leave

Scene 3a: 1 added to ending code

As your stand defiantly in the face of the medium of tradition oil paintings, you are slowly crushed to death, your organs both external and internal being smashed so finely together that once dried by the magics of the dungeon you realize after you !revive that you probably became some sort of strange morbid powder used in the grayscale paintings on display which infuriates you to no end.